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오늘 아침 제게 온 이메일이 있어서 같이 나눠봅니다.
영어를 번역해서 올리지 못해서 죄송합니다.

I'm sending you something that happened recently here in
Springfield at the Oak Grove Assembly of God church.

This isn't an email that started who-knows-where and was
copied around the world before it got to me.

This email was written by a co-worker from headquarters, Harry Cole (that's what the "HC" is for at the end.)

The "Sandy" referred to in the letter is another co-worker, Sandy Crane. One of my best friends from out here ...
her son goes to Oak Grove
and was in the service the night the Rabbi showed up.

I pray ... AND BELIEVE ... things like this are going to be
happening all over the place. I pray it happens in YOUR church!

Love you, Betsy

Bob,  Sandy wanted me to inform you of some things
that have been going on in our Church, Oak Grove AG.  

In the pm service, Sunday the 14th, I noticed an orthodox Jew in
I pointed him out to Wanda,--wondering why he was there.
He had the typical little beanie on,
which caused me to recognize him.

We noted that he was very interested in the service, giving rapt
attention to every detail.
After the service and the usual proceedings of getting ready to go home, we noted he was still sitting there as if waiting for something or someone.

We didn't hear anymore about the incident until we went back to Wednesday evening service.

Bro. Morein was beside himself with excitement with what had
transpired after all but a few had left   the Sunday evening

He had gone to the Jewish fellow and engaged him in
conversation,--and received the following story: This was a
Rabbinic student from St. Louis.

Part of his studieds included attending Churches of different
denomination, to compare their religious practices.

His Rabbi had 'warned' him about Pentcostal Churches,--saying that they were different and maybe he should steer clear of them.

Well, for that evening, he was looking in the Church directories
for a Church that held Sunday evening services; hence, the reason for choosing Oak Grove.

Now, he gets serious, the Holy Spirit had 'gripped' him as the
sermon was preached, and he was interested in discussing it with the pastor.

As bro. Morein opened the Scriptures to him,
he said I am interested in becoming a Christian:
I have come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah.

As bro. Morein prayed with him, he, at first knelt, then suddenly
he fell on the floor and began speaking in tongues, which continued for over an hour.

When he 'regained' his sense of surroundings, he was astonished at what had happened to him: he immediately identified it with
Isa. 28:11
"With stammering lips and another tongue will I speak to this people.."

Of course bro. Morein turned to the book of Acts and read the
account of Pentecost to him.

I can't say for sure how the conversation developed regarding
baptism, but, the young Rappi wanted to be baptized,--so they filled the baptistry and he was baptized in the name of the Father,
Son and Holy Ghost, at 11:00 pm in 'cold' water.

Now, as Paul Harvey used to say, for the rest of the story. He was back down from St. Louis *yesterday, and after the song service and usual formalities, bro. Morein had him come to the Pulpit
and related his experience to the congregation.  

He expected the 'new convert' to give some background of his
rabbinic training and a brief testimony of his conversion

Well,--it started out that way alright, but the Holy Spirit had other ideas:
he preached a sermon that had the whole Church on its feet, and finally in the altars praising and seeking God
as I've seldom experienced,
and I might say,--it's been a long time
since I saw anything like it at all.

He had read the entire New Testament through the intervening
week, and came through with a knowledge of Christian doctrine
that was amazing.  

One other thing,--during the service there was a beautiful
message in tongues, rather long, with the ensuing interpretation.

The Rabbi was stunned,-he said the message was in Biblical Hebrew and the interpretation was the exact interpretation of the

Well, Bob, I'm so excited I hardly know what to do with myself!!  

One more thing and I'll sign off. He called his parents in St. Louis and told them what he had experienced,
--he has invited them to Springfield.

He has asked for our prayers for, as he stated,
under the circumstances his parents has the perfect right to
completely disinherit him.  

He asked for our prayers.  

WOW, and God bless, HC

*The email was written/dated March 1, 2010 -- the "yesterday"
was Sunday, February 28 -- this past Sunday!
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